Two useful ways of using Siri

Siri had been there for quite some time. But I seldom use it. Recently I tried to use it in some of my daily activities. And I found it is useful in two of my daily activities, quick messaging and setting alarm.

1) Quick messaging

When you are composing a quick and simple message like “Call me now” or “Where do you want to go”,  Siri will offer you a good help. Just tap the microphone icon to bring out Siri and say what you want to type. Your iPhone will do the rest for you. It is pretty accurate. This is especially useful when you are driving or when you hands are busy with something.

quick-message siri-messaging

2) Setting Alarm

Well, I am a very lazy panda. If there is  something I can complete in one step, I will not do two steps.  Tap the alarm app, then tap the Alarm tab, then set the time,  these are simply too tedious for me.

Just press and hold the Home button to bring out Siri, then say, “Set my alarm for [whatever time you wish]”(for this case is 6.30am). and Siri will do the job for you.

set-alarm alarm-setup

If you have more tips of using Siri, please share with us.